- Low-cost coverage with every booking.
- Protection against liabilities that arise from rental activities including:
- Damage to dwelling structure
- Personal bodily injury and medical payments
- Damage to neighboring premises and tenant property of neighboring premises
Option Overview
Liability Insurance
Example: Protection for host/homeowner against lawsuit from traveler who slipped and fell down flight of stairs or damage to third party tenant/condo owners
Property Insurance
Example: Accidental damage to furniture, lamp, or wine spill
Option 1
per day
$1MM (with $10K deductible)
Contents Limit: $10K
(with $0 deductible + claim request minimum $50)
Option 1
per day
$1MM (with $5k deductible)
Contents Limit: $10K
(with $0 deductible + claim request minimum $50)
Option 1
per day
$1MM (with $2.5K deductible)
Contents Limit: $10K
(with $0 deductible + claim request minimum $50)
Option 2
per day
$1MM (with $10K deductible)
Real Property Limit: $1MM (with $10K deductible)
Example: Coverage for a kitchen fire or flooded bathroom
Contents Limit: $10K (with $0 deductible + claim request minimum $50)
Example: Accidental damage to furniture, lamp, or wine spill